I have personal relationships with several letters in the Thai alphabet. These relationships have developed as I learned to write my name and as I futilely attempt to copy clients' names off their identity cards and on to their medical records. I'm not going to lie, when I see one of "my letters" in a sign I do get sort of excited. Let me introduce you to my letters.

This is "circle rainbow backflip" and is the wonderful first letter of my name. The equivalent of my L and therefore is a letter I identify with quite strongly

This is "almost spiral" which has several impostor letters that look similar but have the circle in a different spot or are backwards or upside down. Don't be fooled, this is the good one.

This is "backwards question mark" and I have TWO of these is my name. I'm a pretty lucky girl

This is "boring letter". Unfortunately my name ends on a low note, but I guess everyone's gotta have vowels... I just wish I got the cooler looking ones.
This marks the end of my first weeks friendships with letters, it was limited entirely to my first name. But after the embarrassing "sign in at the conference" event, I expanded my circle to include my last name.

Welcome "Fancy 'Y'" Now here is a good looking vowel. It's even taller than everybody else.

And then comes "'W' with flair". Don't let its resemblance to W fool you, this is an F and again gets to be a little taller than the others on one side. Very classy.

And "backwards question mark" makes a reappearance

The final note in this symphony is "Fancy 'E'" which is actually more of a 'Y' but we can't complain. What a wonderful way to end a name.
Now this is not to say that I only have relationships with the letters in my name... how vain!

This is an example of one in a class of letters I call "nightmare letters" When I see them and am expected to reproduce them I shudder in fear.

Yet another "nightmare letter" why so many kinks? Really necessary?

And this is 'favorite letter not in my name' because it is fun to draw.
Now I know my kor-kai, kho-kai, kho-khuat's (or at least 11 of them) next time won't you sing with me.
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