Friday, June 22, 2007

Best Friend

It just occured to me that you all probably think I'm a spaz (at least those who don't personally know me and know it's true...) because I write half my posts like stories and half like a sarcastic fool. Explanation: some of the posts I write as articles for my local newspaper and are targeted more at adults who do not appreciate words like "doggy style" and "hoebag" in their reading.

In other news, I'm happy to present a picture of best friend. Unfortunately I scared the crap out of him with the flash from my camera and he ran away. I also spent forever trying to video tape the weird bird noise he makes that consists of five consecutive chirps. However, he's too unpredictable.

P.S. 'Chirp' is a stupid onomatopoeia
P.P.S. Onomatopoeia was a bonus spelling word in Fourth grade.

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